Access Buzz about Pollination Slides
Once a month GTTN hosts a topic that is of interest to both interns and preceptors (who can get continuing education for attending). May 2022, we had speakers discussing issues around pollination. Then interns created slides to show pollination in their neighborhoods and what their community and they personally are doing to support pollination. Access Capstone Project
Liegh Anne Kinney was in our first cohort of 10 interns in Fall 2018. Her capstone project was fantastic. She gathered plastic "trash" and used it to teach several classes to community members helping them build their own container gardens to grow vegetables and improve their food security. Liegh Anne Kinney RDN now works as a Nutrition Care Manager where she has created a community garden for residents. The herbs and edible flowers are used in the restaurant. She wants to continue giving back by being a clinical and FSM preceptor for future GTTN interns. |
Access the Wildcrafted Slideshow Our Spring 2021 match group never had the chance to meet in person because of COVID, but that didn't stop us from teaching or learning. This assignment was an introduction 'wildcrafting,' foraging plants that grow naturally in your environment for food or medicine. The next step was creating a simple syrup and doing some recipe development to create a signature beverage. |