Completion Requirements:
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- All assignments/CRDNs meet or exceeds expectations.
- Completion of a minimum of 1000 hours (supervised practice and Alternative Learning Activities), in combination with prior learning experiences, if applicable.
- All evaluations completed and turned in.
- All work done in Visual Veggies “meets expectations” or “exceeds expectations” and indicates that the intern is ready to sit for the RDN exam. “Meets expectations” means at least 75% on a full-random Visual Veggies test with no notes, etc.
- Completes at least 80 hours of farm/garden experience.
- All fees are paid.
- Maintains professional and ethical standards outlined in CDR’s Code of Ethics, understands, agrees, and signs the RDE Misuse form (provided by CDR).
- Has a Master's degree (this means if you finish all GTTN requirements before you finish you Master's, you can't officially graduate from GTTN until the Masters is completed)
- Interns enrolled in the full time track who have a Master's can expect to complete the program within nine months. Part time students should complete program within 24 months (61 weeks) but MUST complete within 36 months.
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