Application Procedure and Computer Matching

Two Ways to apply for our internship -
1. Independent Application option due by October 1st for Fall Match; by March 1st for Spring Match or after April 7th.
Second Round:
Process after Applying:
Garden to Table Nutrition prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, disability, medical background, harassment, ethnicity, national origin, race/color, religion, pregnancy, maternity/paternity, gender identity or sexual orientation.
More information is available in the Handbook.
1. Independent Application option due by October 1st for Fall Match; by March 1st for Spring Match or after April 7th.
- Fill out an application form Independent Application GTTN.
- Pay a required $20 application fee to GTTN with no additional fees.
- Email the PDF of your application (transcript, verification statement/Intent to Complete, personal statement, resume, and Independent Application.
- Timeline: expect to hear from us at least two weeks after your application is submitted (if you don't hear from us, email us).
- If accepted, send your non-refundable $500 Materials and Technology fee within one week of acceptance and you can get started on Foundational Practices and Dietetics and Permaculture Course.
- Applications are submitted through the DICAS system by October15th.
- DICAS application fee: first designation is $50 and additional $25 each; AND pay a required $20 application fee to GTTN with no additional fees.
- DICAS allows you to apply to multiple programs at one time, and rank your preferred programs.
- Fall Match: Complete Application Due Oct 15th. Acceptances for all programs will be announced on or before November 1st and the applicant will need to email all programs that accepted them by November 15th. A non-refundable $500 Materials and Technology fee is due one week later.
- Spring Match: Complete Application Due Feb 15th. Acceptances for all programs will be announced on or before March 1st and the applicant will need to email all programs that accepted them by March 15th. A non-refundable $500 Materials and Technology fee is due one week later.
Second Round:
- GTTN will participate in second round and accept also accept direct applications (Independent Application option).
- Potential interns should apply via Dietary Internship Centralized Application Services (DICAS), all portions of the DICAS application are expected to be completed and/or uploaded into DICAS by the application deadline for the applicant to be considered for the internship.
- DICAS application fee: first designation is $50 and additional $25 each; at the time of registration.
Process after Applying:
- Our goal is to give you a response within two weeks of receiving your completed application and application fee. If you don't here from us within that time, email us.
- You can start preparing as soon as you send your $500 Materials & Technology Fee, we'll give you access to the Google classroom and send you a copy of Visual Veggies
Garden to Table Nutrition prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, disability, medical background, harassment, ethnicity, national origin, race/color, religion, pregnancy, maternity/paternity, gender identity or sexual orientation.
More information is available in the Handbook.